Hey Hey Bloggers,
Today is going to be a #rant blog because honestly I need to get this off my chest. Who's bright idea was it to say that a women has to look a certain way, be a certain height, or even be a certain weight to be a model? (I'm sure this happens to men as well however I'm a women and its happening to me so I'm directing this towards women - also I'm not 100% sure if guys deal with things like this the way girls do.) Yesterday I had a interview with a modelling agency - I usually don't even care for modelling agencies and rather just go to a photographer one on one & this is why. This lady literally looked at me and said there wont be much for me out there because of my height. She clearly didn't know how short I was cause the bitch still had the nerve to ask me how tall I am. I didn't ask to be 5'2. I didn't ask to be a little bigger than skinny, or to have small boobs or to not have the prettiest face. It's so STUPID how the media says women of only a certain type can do things like modelling cause they were born the "right way". Honestyl though, no one in this world is perfect. No wonder us women have low self esteem, and are always negative about our self image because we are told we don't fit the media's image. What kind of bullshit is that. None of asked to not fit the image, its the way god created us. We shouldn't have to be turned away because we aren't what the media is looking for. I will still continue to model. Don't get me wrong! but believe me my modelling is going to send a message. We don't have to be tall, skinny, pretty, or anything of such sorts to create beautiful images, to promote products or get modelling gigs. We shouldn't have to watch people do the things we love to do because they are exactly what every thinks is the perfect image. 0 is not a size. Tan is not pretty. Tall isn't everything. We live in such a world that judges us based on everything. We don't have pretty faces. We aren't a size 0. We aren't 5'11. We don't have what it takes to be a model. It's all bullshit. Us women need to stick together and change this stupid image people have of us on what we should look like or who we should be.